Thinking about permanently implementing a Hybrid Workplace? Here are some tips to keep productivity high

Organizations have become more flexible about where and when employees work. And now it is time to think about how the workplace will look like in a post-pandemic world. To find the right way forward, you must understand the ups and downs of a hybrid workplace and what is needed to ensure your staff remains productive. In this blog we are giving you some tips that can help to keep productivity high when considering a hybrid workplace. Our piece about the up- and downsides of working remotely can you read here.

Communicate clearly and set expectations

In general, but also for hybrid workplaces productivity starts with clear communication. If you do not communicate in the right way, it can lead to productivity issues:

  • Wasted time
  • Missed deadlines
  • Frustrated staff
  • Corrective work
  • Undetected failures with the potential to cause problems in the future

Giving clear, defined instructions are very essential if you expect your instructions to be understood and acted upon in the way you want. This is particularly important when you are not face to face to deliver the instructions.

Use the right technology

Technology is one of the most important aspects of a hybrid workplace. By having the right tools in place, it can help with good communication between teams, with knowledge and document sharing and managers to keep track of work progress. It opens new channels of collaboration and a collaborative environment helps lower costs, shorten timelines, improve productivity and increase return on investment. And by using cloud technology you can give access to the same set of apps and tool at any location. 

Support a proper home office

If you want remote workers to succeed and to be as productive as possible, you need to make sure they have the right equipment to do the job at home. Some examples are stable broadband access, furniture, monitors, headset and a cell phone. As a company you might return some real estate savings to staff by offering home office set-up reimbursements. This way you can have your staff personalize their home offices to optimize individual productivity. What is also handy for a hybrid workplace is supplying the same set up as the office (i.e. the use of docking stations). In that case it is plug and play at the office and at home.

Stay secure

When considering a hybrid workplace, you also need to reconsider your security measures.

If your company will start allowing a large number of employees to work remotely, always check if the current infrastructure can handle the load. Also check if there is a security policy in place. If not, it might be good time to establish at least a basic policy. Set some guidelines such as the minimum security requirements of home routers and the use of personal devices for business.

There are also many tools and solutions that can help with security for a hybrid workplace such as VPN, MDM (mobile device management), MFA (multi-factor authentication) and cloud backup.

By having the right security measures in place, it can definitely boost your productivity simply because you are minimizing the exposure to cyberattacks and the damage that comes along with it.


As an all-in-one IT provider with over 22 years of experience in cloud solutions and managed IT, we can assist you with your journey to a hybrid workplace.

Whether you are looking for advice, cloud solutions, email security and/or network security. Let’s connect!

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